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... remembering our true nature

Life experience as human physical body pointed me in direction of asking some very potent questions like "what is true, what is real, what matters?".

Now that I look back from a different state of being, I feel utterly grateful for my intense sufferings that have urged me to long and look for what lies beyond all those seemingly real experiences.

Those intuitive moments that I knew I found something, that I felt excited about cracking another code, cutting through a sticky, tricky trappy misunderstanding, clarifying something and witnessing how that subtle shift of perspective had unleashed some magic.


I learned to understand that meeting challenges are opportunities for realizations and that I must have had great desire for many of those to lighten up in my conscious awareness.

I remember me being aware of my wish to refine spirit. I better aim for refining my knowing of spirit, and enjoy the fun eternal ride that this passion leads me to, and know if I formulate it this way I have success experiences all along the way instead of reaching for the ... actually slightly misunderstood, as the spirit is undefined defined infinite everpresent anyway, if I see it or not from the perspective of my physical shoes at a time.  





I love my recently discovered teacher Abraham / Esther Hicks and her supportive conversations to give clues about how to live 'happily ever after'.


And it all matches up perfectly with what I learned earlier on from my chosen spiritual teacher Bentinho Massaro, who appeared to me in the time that I formulated the goal to step into the greatness of my potential. His many and long youtube talks on different subjects were a great support while I was struggling through catalytic experiences that were there to transform poverty and victim consciousness. How many times he was getting me through the tunnel, one end: whimsing cry baby, the other end: fool laughing about the distortion being put into another light. 



Now that you are reading this, be invited to more conversations. I really love to talk about those things, cultivation bright perspectives.

I got a transformation game available to collaboratively evolve on particular actual relevant questions.


I happily resonate with Abraham Hicks about this: It is good to come together for the purpose of co-creating. We live in a vibrational universe (how liberating is that). If I was standing in my physical shoes and still I do, I'ld come to meet you if you'ld like that too.


Warm greetings, Silke


Let me tell you a typical transformational fairy tale as of which I had a personal experience:


Once upon a time I have been believing I was victim of my circumstances. I repeatedly was driving myself into corners of dissatisfaction, helplessness and unhappiness as I was much used to give attention to the difficulties and hard work ideas in my life, believing it would bring me the abundance and happiness and freedom that I was striving for, later on. So yes, I got stuck in working hard patterns, things not working out for me as I wished for and referencing all that to bad luck or family patterns that I inherited. My higher self was still looking after me, leading me to great intuitive choices, so I figured out that trusting those instincts was a good way to go. I really wanted to understand better how that all works, and eventually I am now getting closer to all clarifying answers. 

I like to share some helpful methods that I discovered alongside that path: 

When feeling bad and it is hard to break through the cycle of negative thoughts and perspectives, move the body intensely, or create a focus that helps you empty out, or listen to a smart person that seems to help you to lighten up and laugh about yourself, or if you can remember what you usually love to do, just do it, even if you cannot remember the love for that thing at that particular moment, or just wait till the strongest contraction has passed, witness how it naturally transforms from the darkest heaviest death-alike back into the pure awareness of love. And above all, know it is ok, if you are a sensitive person you might pass through such feelings a whole lot more intensely than others, but hey, imagine the equal measure on the other side of it, your immense capacity for ecstatic bliss.


On my evolutionary paths I found inspirational movies like 'the secret'/'law of attraction'. This movie supported me to continue being consistent with pasting another version of reality perspective over those ones that I believed to be true/real, predetermined or 'condemning', for example: 'I love my butt, I am beautiful and charismatic' instead of 'I am ugly and fat'.


'The Celestine prophecy'-movie had been a great inspiration to my dance project 'Re-circle, entering exits', it started me on the path of looking to 'amplify energy by sharing with those on similar frequencies'. 

Since that time I literally started bumping increasingly often into psychics, healers, tarot readers, magical artists, highly sensitive people. My chosen path as dance performance artist was doing me much good as it reminded me all over again to listen to myself, my instincts, express and learn from what I see. However bumpy that path, I know I was right chosing it.

Moving helped me meditate more effectively,  emptying out my fairly dense and troubled mind. Ashtanga yoga brought this straight to the point, without comparatively less hustle and bustle. 

And giving massages joined my path so I could remember how much I could love all bodies, whichever form, with more or less beauty, as long as I connected with that beautiful subtle inner dynamic that I created by choosing all-accepting loving touch. I was rewarded with experiences that re-assured me about the effective beneficial communication that had taken place, beyond the power of words.

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